About mfischer.com
This web site is my personal blog. Here you'll find discussions on web design and programming, animal rescue, photography, music, gaming, and more. I've maintained it continuously since May 19, 1993 when I published my first personal home page on the web. More about me.
About The Last Pixel
The Last Pixel is my software development and technology blog. I created it in January of 2010 to provide a less personal, more public place for discussing general-interest technology topics and my software development projects.
The Photos Above
What are those skinny photos sliding by up above? They started as an experiment in looking at my personal photos from a new perspective. Each is cropped to 900x100 pixels, which provides a very different personality and perspective to the photos. Read more.
Interesting Pages
Below is a hand-picked selection of pages from this site that you may (or may not) find interesting: