This web site,, is my personal blog and is where I comment on things going on in my life and topics that interest me. You’ll find here my thoughts on a wide set of topics, including music, gaming, photography, animal rescue, and more.

What keeps me busy

Much of my free time is spent geeking out developing web sites and software using Ruby on Rails, Javascript, and HTML5/CSS3. As a volunteer foster home for Labrador Retriever Rescue, Kathie and I also spend a good amount of time helping to rehabilitate and find new homes for Labs. Over the last few years I’ve taken up a bit of an interest in photography, and I’m also an Xbox 360 gamer.

About this site

I first created my home page on May 19, 1993. Since then I’ve changed software, design, and content many times. This latest re-incarnation was launched in December 2011.