Blog / Random thoughts and musings.


New web site banners

If you’re reading this blog via e-mail or RSS feed, you won’t have noticed the variety of new banner images randomly parading their way across the top of the site. Stop by and check them out… click on the banner to visit the [[wplink banner-photos]] page to read the background behind this change, and check out all the new images. Here’s one, to give you a feel for the type of banner image I’m talking about:

Example banner



  1. Sue
    September 23, 2007

    Wow! I love the banners!! It’s a very creative idea and a fantastic way to show off all those amazing pictures of those enviable places you’ve visited!

    I also love Max helping with tech support… he’s such a doll!

  2. Scott Nolan
    September 25, 2007

    They look great – and you must have changed something, because site works fine in Safari 1.3.2 now.

    BTW – the reason I am still on Safari 1.3.2 – is I still use OSX 10.3.9. 10.4 has a few nice to have features (disable the caps-lock from preferences, Safari 2, newer JVM); but not enough to justify a $100 upgrade price. I am waiting for 10.5 – though that may have been a mistake – looks like 10.5 will require 800MHz G4 processors or better (grumble)… and my dual 500 is just fine for what I do… sigh.

  3. techno
    September 25, 2007

    nice banner pix. the only thing i’d change would be to have a new one randomly load everytime you visit the page, as opposed to just cycling through them automatically. gives you more to look forward each visit. :)